Open letter to NC DEQ & Div. of Marine Fisheries: July 10th, 2024

Among others, I was surprised when I learned the harvesting of flounder in NC by recreational fishermen went from a tiny catch season allowed last year to NO season this year.  It has taken some effort to determine the cause of NO season this year.  However, the commercial fishermen CAN take flounder this year.  Some…

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Legislative Update form Rep. Iler — July 1, 2024

Last week at the North Carolina General Assembly saw bills flying back and forth between the House and Senate, being passed, and either becoming law or going to the Governor for his approval.  Bills that had been lounging in committees were emerging and passing, some after being amended.  They changed many local laws and DMV…

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Legislative Update from Rep. Iler — June 24, 2024

The last two weeks at the North Carolina General Assembly have been historical in some ways, while we have been trying to finalize the state budget adjustments for 2024-2025 and end the short session.  We passed a good budget in the House, after the original budget bill appeared to be stalled in negotiations.  We also…

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Rep. Frank Iler receives 2024 Lincoln/Juneteenth Outreach Award from Brunswick County Republican Party 

The Brunswick County Republican Party presented its 2024 Lincoln/Juneteenth Outreach Award to State Representative Frank Iler during the party’s recent Lincoln-Reagan-Douglass Dinner.  According to the event’s printed program, the award was presented in recognition of Iler’s efforts to carry out the legacy of Abraham Lincoln and understanding of the principle “All Men are Created Equal.”…

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Legislative Update from Rep. Iler — June 10, 2024

The last three weeks at the North Carolina General Assembly have been unusual with periods of high and low activity.  Many agency bills and local bills came through the process, as well as a few controversial bills that are still being amended. Local bills annexing or de-annexing parcels for certain individual municipalities came to the…

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Legislative Update from Rep. Iler — May 21, 2024

Last week at the North Carolina General Assembly was filled with committee meetings, more budget work, and visitors from around the state.  We started early in the week, put in some long hours, and were able to return home by Thursday for meetings in the district.      Our floor sessions were brief, and most of…

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Legislative Update from Rep. Iler — May 14, 2024

     Last week at the North Carolina General Assembly saw a lot of activity as the short session heats up.  We worked on the 2024 – 2025 budget update, voted on an important bill addressing the Israel protest issue, and introduced dozens more local bills as the deadline passed.      We received our instructions on…

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Legislative Update from Rep. Iler — May 6, 2024

After almost a month back in our districts, the members of the North Carolina General Assembly got back to Raleigh on April 24th to start the 2024 “short” session.  This session will deal with certain bills that carried over from 2023, as well as study bills, local bills, and some bills containing appropriations or fees. …

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Legislative Update from Rep. Iler — March 5, 2024

     Last week at the North Carolina General Assembly saw some activity with the interim committees meeting and conducting business in anticipation of the short session beginning later this Spring.  Two of the committees on which I sit held meetings and concluded with interesting sessions.      We held the final meeting of the House Select…

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Legislative Update from Rep. Iler — February 20, 2024

The last few weeks at the North Carolina General Assembly have been relatively quiet.  However, interim committees have been meeting and our central staff of legal analysts and bill drafters have been busy.  Also, during this time between sessions, our Legislative Assistants in our individual offices in Raleigh continue to take calls and emails and…

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