Legislative Update from Rep. Frank Iler – May 9, 2011
The top priority last week was again the budget.
The budget bill, which was voted out of the House Appropriations committee the previous Wednesday, was taken up on the House floor on Tuesday. For the first time, the budget was on-line for public viewing for five days.
After an eleven-hour floor session and over 40 amendments that were considered, the budget bill passed 72-47. After third reading on Wednesday the final vote was the same, 72-47. The bill now goes to the Senate for their consideration. The goal is to have the budget to the governor by June 1st.
This budget, House Bill 200, Appropriations Act of 2011, balances the state’s spending and revenue without the temporary one cent sales tax of 2009. It puts $1.5 billion back in the pockets of North Carolinians. All teacher allotments have been funded. $345 Million that the Governor’s budget pushed to the counties’ education budgets was not duplicated in the House budget.
The Annexation Reform bill, House Bill 845, was heard in House Finance committee on Thursday. The bill was thoroughly discussed and several amendments were offered. No vote was taken, so we can expect the bill will be on the agenda again next week. One of the bill’s main features is a 60% “upset petition”, which means that 60% of the property owners in the area to be annexed can stop the annexation. Other features include public utilities, police and fire services to be provided.